Flinders Art Expo Celebrates its 25th Year of Exhibitions with Budding Artists from Kindy to Year 12

More than 750 student artworks from Kindy to Year 12 featured in the 2019 Flinders Art Expo as Matthew Flinders Anglican College celebrated 25 years of the major school art event.

Held over three days in November in Term 4, the Expo provides an opportunity for the College community to celebrate students’ creativity and ideas, and be inspired by diverse works.

Head of Art Ros Braithwaite said the Flinders Art Expo had evolved from humble beginnings 25 years ago.

“The College’s first art exhibition was apparently a simple affair - held in one classroom, over just one evening, and was only open to parents and students,” Ros said.

“It has been held annually since, and has grown into the Flinders Art Expo experience, which in 2019 featured artwork from two thirds of the College’s student body, exhibited in our impressive Performance Centre foyer and with hundreds of people attending from the school and wider Sunshine Coast community,” she said.

“It is another opportunity for our students to challenge and extend themselves to create their best artworks and then to build confidence as they exhibit their artwork in public.

“The Expo is also a wonderful reminder that art is for all ages and for everyone; we are never too young or too old to explore our creativity and to share it with others.

“The Visual Art teachers and support staff are to be commended for their hard work, care and creativity in pulling this major event together for the benefit of our students and families.”

The majority of the 2019 Flinders Art Expo featured student artworks created through traditional art media and processes such as sketching, painting, sculpture and screen-printing.

New media artworks by Secondary School students were also on display with student-created virtual reality spaces, video art, and augmented reality t-shirts, paintings and sculptures, as well as interactive iPads to view student art portfolios.

During the Expo’s opening night event, Secondary School art students demonstrated a new drawing program that involves an iPad and Apple Pencil, as well as the interactive virtual reality digital headset technology.

The Primary School Art Expo section featured art created by students from Prep to Year 6, with a selection of more than 70 pieces, including mixed media, 2D and 3D artwork with different themes explored such as nature, robots and graphic design concepts.

In 2020, the Flinders Art Expo will be included as part of the College’s 30-year celebrations.

For more information about Flinders’ Visual Art program, please visit our Arts pages.

Feature Image: Matthew Flinders Anglican College Art Student of the Year, 2019, Charlotte Britton, Year 12 

Caption (image below): Art Expo showcases some of the artwork created by our Prep students. 

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