Audacious thinking, furious creativity and unbridled curiosity are a natural part of learning for students at Matthew Flinders Anglican College in their new world-class, masterplanned Infinity Centre, which was officially opened on Wednesday, 22 May.
Secondary School students from Years 7 to 12, staff and special guests gathered to mark the significant occasion in the College’s history.
The official opening event featured a dedication and blessing by the Most Reverend Jeremy Greaves KCSJ, Archbishop of Brisbane; a prayer by the College Chaplain, Reverend Kathrin Koning; and an opening address by the College Principal, Ms Michelle Carroll.
Ms Carroll said, “The Infinity Centre plaque that is unveiled today tells the story of this building—when it was built, when it was opened and by whom.
“Yet it also holds a deeper narrative of our past, our present and our future. It captures the dreams, hopes and stories of every Flinders student who will learn and grow within these walls – today and for generations to come,” she said.
“I encourage our students to contribute their own stories to this building; they will be as integral as the glass, bricks, artworks and design installations captured inside.
“This moment is not just about the present; it is about the future of learning at Matthew Flinders Anglican College as we celebrate the beginning of a new chapter, dedicated to fostering curiosity, creativity and excellence in all our students.”
The opening plaque was unveiled by Mr Stuart Meade, who was College Principal from 2017 to 2023 and oversaw the Flinders Masterplan, and College Board Chair Ms Peta Grenfell.
The Welcome to Country and didgeridoo performance was provided by Mr Lyndon Davis, local Gubbi Gubbi Traditional Custodian of the Land upon which the College stands on the Mooloolah Plains at the foot of Buderim Mountain.
Ms Carroll thanked the many people involved in bringing the Infinity Centre to life as part of the Flinders Masterplan, including the College Board, Flinders staff members and the project teams at Integral Construction and at Studio E Architecture.
The opening event featured performances by the Stage Band with its talented musicians across the Secondary School and conductor Mr John Thomas, the highly respected Co-ordinator of Band, Brass and Woodwind at Flinders.

Commitment to contemporary learning and innovation
In his address at the opening event, Mr Bill Hooper, the Head of Curriculum, noted that a building in itself cannot be innovative.
“It is in the interplay between teaching practice and the physical space that innovation takes place, and where we can have the most significant impacts on student learning and engagement,” Mr Hooper said.
“We are fortunate at Flinders to have a teaching staff willing to embrace that challenge, both within the Infinity Centre and far beyond it.”
To the students, Mr Hooper said, “This Infinity Centre is yours to explore, to experiment and to excel. Embrace the opportunities it offers with enthusiasm and curiosity. Embrace the freedom to push boundaries and to redefine what is possible.
“This Infinity Centre is your canvas, your laboratory and your stage. Use it to its fullest potential.”
Student Reflection | Kiara Van De Ree, Year 12

Year 12 student Kiara Van De Ree provided her student perspective of the building since it opened in January. Kiara spends a lot of time each week in the Infinity Centre with her Senior Design, Visual Art and Business Enterprise subjects.
“The Infinity Centre is a space of creative and critical thinking with no boundaries,” Kiara said.
“It's a sanctuary where students are encouraged to expand the limits of their imagination, embracing and nurturing every idea, no matter how audacious.
“After studying at the Infinity Centre for one semester, I can confidently say the Infinity Centre has provided me with more opportunities than I could have ever thought of.
“From the new and improved workshop supporting the construction and configuration of drones to the new business room upstairs, all students are able to share their learning.
“The Infinity Gallery recognises and encourages new and unconventional thinking, and the stylish study spaces have been more than helpful.
“I love walking to my Business class and seeing all the beautiful and immersive Senior student artworks. Or going past the quiet collaboration hubs and seeing all the intricate engineering sketches on the whiteboards.”
Kiara encouraged her fellow students to embrace the infinite potential for learning in the Infinity Centre.
“This is a place where your dreams become reality, and where your hard work and dedication will be met with endless support and encouragement.”
To learn more about the Infinity Centre, visit here.