More than 200 centimetres of hair and more than $8,000!
That's how much a group of 13 Seniors at Matthew Flinders Anglican College are donating after having their hair cut on campus on Tuesday, 31 May, making it one of the College’s biggest single fundraising events.
Their efforts are part of the week-long ‘Colours for a Cause’ fundraiser campaign across the Flinders Secondary School from Monday, 29 May to Friday, 2 June, hosted by the Year 12 Prefects and House Captains through the eight College House teams.
Funds raised by students, staff and families throughout the week will go to Sunshine Coast surf charity, The Board Meeting to help provide equipment, therapy and support to children with special needs to make their life more comfortable.
The hair chop event drew a huge lunchtime crowd in the Flinders Sports Centre Foyer to cheer on the 12 students in Year 12 and one student in Year 11 as they lost their precious locks.
Some girls had been growing their hair for over two years, but were happy to rock a bob cut for a good cause.

Flinders’ Head of Senior School, Mr Gary Davis said the Seniors had worked individually and collectively to make the fundraising campaign a huge success.
The students involved were James H, Thomas G, Zoe McK, Patrick C, Mia A, Lizzy S, Hudson M, Laci W, Bryce K, Sydney E, Ella K, Oscar T and Nicholas P.
“The students supporting this ‘Buzz for Board’ fundraiser demonstrated an unbelievable level of commitment and fundraising, with all raising more than they had originally set out to, contributing to the total soaring over $8,000,” Gary said.
“The students reached out to their contacts both in and out of the College, all with the focus on a really worthwhile local charity,” he said.
“We are grateful for the amazing support from Mrs Maria Faulder, a parent of the College and proprietor of Suite Three in Buderim, and her two employees who came along to cut and style the students’ hair during the lunchtime event, which was a lot of fun.”
The donated hair will be used to make wigs for cancer patients and other items.
Two of the biggest fundraisers were Year 12 student Thomas Greaves who raised over $2,000 and Year 11 student Sydney Elder, who raised more than $1,000 - inspired by family friends who are surfers and volunteer with The Board Meeting.
Sydney said, “I know volunteers and also some families who have been supported by The Board Meeting charity, so this fundraiser is personal for me. I like knowing where the money is going and to see how it's helping families right here on the Coast.”
College Captain Patrick Courtney said students at Flinders know they are fortunate and don't want to take the opportunities they have for granted.
"It's very important for us to see how we can help other kids who may need extra support. Cutting our hair is something so simple, but it can cause such a big impact in someone else's life."

The Board Meeting charity is run by a dedicated group of volunteers who also help to run special programs for kids with mental disabilities that include learning, physical fitness, surfing, yoga and art.
Other Colours for a Cause activities at Flinders this week include a bake sale, a non-uniform day, a Star Wars movie afternoon (with popcorn and lollies provided!), a parent raffle with a major accommodation prize and even an Experience Auction where one of the prizes is to ‘Be the College Principal for a day’!
The Seniors look forward to tallying up the funds raised throughout Colours for a Cause, and announcing the grand total after the event’s final day on Friday, 2 June.