Matthew Flinders Anglican College has selected four Year 12 students to represent the College’s Visual Art program in the Regional Exhibition of the Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Art.
Flinders students Lia-Belle Weise, Caitlin Arthur, Will Hornery and Jazmyn Guest have had their artworks included in the Awards’ regional show, the North Coast Regional Exhibition.
Their artworks are on display at the Butter Factory Arts Centre at Cooroy from Friday, 16 September to Sunday, 23 October. See below.
The Creative Generation Excellence Awards is an annual exhibition that showcases the achievements of senior visual art students from schools throughout Queensland, bringing together the top talent from across the state.
Each region hosts an exhibition, showcasing local students’ artworks selected in the Awards.
After the show at Cooroy, the four students’ artworks will feature on the College campus in the Flinders Art Exhibition, which is open to the public over 10 days from Wednesday, 26 October to Wednesday, 2 November.
This will be the 28th year the College has presented its annual exhibition, which features hundreds of artworks created by Flinders students from Prep through to Year 12.
Flinders' Head of Art, Mrs Ros Braithwaite said the Creative Generation Excellence Awards was an exciting opportunity for students to showcase their talents.
“Our Senior Visual Art students create artworks of great quality and diversity,” Ros said.
“Through the variety of work that our Senior students create, you can see incredibly personal, innovative and individualised approaches to expressing and exploring their world,” she said.
“Our artists remind us of the value of creativity as an outlet for individuality, mindfulness and a way to connect and engage with the community.”
The Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Art is an initiative of the Department of Education, Training and Employment, and supported by the Queensland Art Gallery ǀ Gallery of Modern Art.
View the digital exhibition featuring all 2022 submissions here.

If Only You Could Know’ by Flinders Year 12 Visual Art student, Caitlin Arthur.
The piece explores the “cultural and personal contexts of the mind”, said Caitlin in her artist’s statement.
“Nature’s intricacy is a combination of predictable perfection and inherent uniqueness,” she said.
“Like nature, the brain is fragile and complex, but it can be sustained by keeping a balance between positive and negative feelings.”

‘Antithetical Luminescence’ by Flinders Year 12 Visual Art student, Will Hornery
Will’s piece explores the concept of “dichotomy”.
“The manipulation of light using long-exposure photography expresses themes of light/darkness, movement/stillness and the tranquillity of night compared to the chaos of the day,” Will wrote.
“Abstraction is used to communicate the uncertainty in life and how the only certainty is, that there is none.”

‘To Smell a Rat’ by Flinders Year 12 Visual Art student, Jazmyn Guest
Jazmyn’s piece points to Australia's current political climate, comparing Grace Tame's bravery in the face of adversity to that of a lion.
“The rat is seen smiling, the lioness sees through him,” Jazmyn wrote in her artist’s statement. “Just because a lion is tame doesn't make it any less of a lion.”

‘according to all known laws of aviation’ by Flinders Year 12 Visual Art student, Lia-Belle Wiese
“This work is a fond retrospection of my childhood and a hopeful look toward what's to come,” Lia-Belle wrote in her artist’s reflection.
“I hope to prompt reminiscence and a childish joy through this work.”
Flinders Art Exhibition 26 October to 2 November, 2022
Visual Art is an important part of the curriculum at Matthew Flinders Anglican College, with lessons offered as core subjects in Primary School and in Middle School from Prep to Year 9, and thereafter in Senior School from Years 10 to 12 as an elective.
Art appreciators are invited to the annual Flinders Art Exhibition from Wednesday, 26 October - Wednesday, 2 November at Matthew Flinders Anglican College on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland.
The Flinders Art Exhibition is open to the whole College community, as well as people from the Sunshine Coast community.
The Flinders Visual Art Department will also host a special opening event just for Senior School Art students in Years 10 to 12 and their families to celebrate the students’ art development and achievements in 2022.
This will be the 28th year the College has presented the exhibition which features hundreds of artworks created by students from Prep through to Year 12.