Primary and Secondary School music students at Matthew Flinders Anglican College showcased their talent, skill and passion for music at the 2024 Sunshine Coast Junior Eisteddfod, held from 26 July to 10 August.
More than 400 instrumentalists and vocalists represented Flinders with pride across 190 entries, demonstrating the strength of Flinders' thriving co-curricular Music Program.
In total, Flinders entered in 73 items (solos, duets, small and large ensembles, etc) out of a total of 91 items, with places achieved in 67 of these.
Overall, Flinders achieved 40 first place awards, 26 second places, 22 third places and 26 Highly Commended awards.
Every student benefits through the Eisteddfod experience; it takes great determination, effort and courage to perform on stage under the bright lights to a public audience and judging panel.
The College supports students' music development across the curriculum program and co-curricular opportunities, with expert music teachers, conductors and accompanists across 23 ensembles and vocal groups.
There is also the Friends of Music parent volunteer group who support the budding musicians to prepare for their performances.
Congratulations to our students for the following achievements in their categories.
- 9 Championships were offered across the 4 sections of Brass & Woodwind, Vocal, Strings and Piano
- Flinders students competed in 8 of these Championships and were placed in all
- Annabel Wedgwood was named the Junior Vocal and Intermediate Brass & Woodwind Championship
- Billie Macnicol was named the Senior String Championship
Large Ensembles
Flinders placed first in every Secondary large ensemble item and secured a place in every Primary large ensemble item!
There were 294 Flinders students competing in every large ensemble section of the Eisteddfod.
- College String Orchestra 1st place - String Orchestra Secondary Age Large Ensemble
- Stage Band 1st place - Stage band Secondary Age Ensemble
- Wind Symphony 1st place - Concert Band Secondary Age Ensemble A
- Chamber Voices 1st place - Secondary Age Choir Ensemble
- Flinders Choir 1st place - Primary Age Choir Large Ensemble
- Flinders Band 2nd place - Concert Band Primary Age Large Ensemble
- Flinders Strings 3rd place - String Orchestra Primary Age A
- Junior Primary Choir Highly Commended - Junior Primary Choir Ensemble
Small Ensembles
- 9 small ensemble items were offered across the 3 sections of Brass & Woodwind, Vocal and Strings
- Flinders competed in 8 items and placed in every one, winning 5 items.
- 9 quartet items were offered across 3 sections of Brass & Woodwind, Vocal and Strings
- Flinders competed in 7 items and won all 7!
Solos & Duets
- Flinders students competed 110 times in 42 items
- Students achieved 20 - 1st places, 15 - 2nd places, 17 3rd places and 17 - Highly Commended
- Flinders won every prize in the following items: Brass Solo 15 years, Intermediate Brass & Woodwind Championship, Vocal Solo 12 years and Vocal Duet 18 years & under.
Below are just a few photos of our Flinders students, taken after their wonderful performances.