Meet our Flinders Board: Q&A with The Right Reverend Jeremy Greaves, Board Member

BOARD PROFILE: The Right Reverend Jeremy Greaves, Matthew Flinders Anglican College Board Member

Thanks to Bishop Jeremy Greaves for sharing his profile here so that our College community can get to know more about the Board members working together to guide Flinders in its vision to be a dynamic learning community.

Q: What does your role involve as part of the College Board?
Jeremy: My role involves working alongside others who are passionate about and committed to the opportunities that Matthew Flinders Anglican College offers to make sure the College is the very best place for young people on the Sunshine Coast to be given a holistic education. As the Archbishop’s representative on the College Board, I have a particular interest in ensuring the decisions made at Board level reflect the Anglican foundations and Christian values that underpin the College.

Q: What do you enjoy about being involved in the College Board?
Jeremy: I enjoy the opportunity work with other motivated people to make sure the College provides the very best for the students, staff and wider College community.

Q: Aside from being on the College Board, what is your link to the College community?
Jeremy: I am a parent of three Secondary School students at Flinders.

Q: What is your career role, and why are you passionate about your job?
Jeremy: I am the Anglican Bishop with responsibility for the Northern Region of the Diocese of Brisbane – an area that stretches from Brisbane to Bundaberg and includes over 50 parishes, 8 schools and many Anglicare service hubs. I am passionate about making a difference in peoples’ lives by sharing the stories of the faith and enabling people to experience the love that is at the heart of the Christian faith. In a society where 1 in 4 people experience profound loneliness, the Christian way offers community, hope and practices that enable fullness of life.

Q: How else are you involved in the wider community? Which projects or events do you support?
Jeremy: My work takes me to communities across South-East Queensland. I am currently the Chair of the Anglican Schools Commission, which sees me visiting the 20 or so schools associated with the Anglican church in Queensland. I am also a member of Amnesty International and support their many campaigns for justice throughout the world.

Q: What are your hobbies or interests?
Jeremy: I love nothing more than disappearing between the covers of a good book. I read widely and eclectically – fantasy novels, theology, politics…

Q: What is your favourite book that you would recommend others read? Why?
Jeremy: A recent favourite is “A splash of Words” by the English writer Mark Oakley. He explores the meaning behind some of my favourite poems (and some I have just discovered) in a way that is fresh and accessible.

Q: What do you enjoy about living on the Sunshine Coast?
Jeremy: I love being close to the beach and not far from the hinterland – the very best of both worlds.

Q: What are some of your favourite spots to visit on the Sunshine Coast? Why?
Jeremy: I love visiting our beautiful beaches as well as drives through the hinterland. As my son recently said, “It is so good living in a place where other people come for their holidays.”

Q: What did you love about your schooling years?
Jeremy: My best memory of my time at school was double Maths class on a Wednesday afternoon. This was because the beach was only a short walk from the back fence of the school grounds and a double lesson would usually mean a whole afternoon at the beach!

Q: What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Jeremy: If you were to sum up the whole of the Christian faith in one sentence, it might be: “Love one another.” Everything else is just commentary.

Thank you Jeremy!

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