Year 9 Innovative Design

Subject Description

Unleash your creative genius! Ready to be a game-changer in design? The Innovative Design course is your chance to shine! Transform expired textile products into amazing, marketable items that meet real client needs. Learn to be a disruptive designer with fresh, eco-friendly solutions. Using sustainable design theories, explore upcycling and reconstruction techniques to reduce textile waste. Create innovative items you can sell while also protecting our planet.

Your innovative designs can enter local and national competitions, showcasing your talent and gaining recognition.


Strength in Difference.


Unit 1: Eco Create
  • Design thinking, analysis and evaluation skills
  • Manufacturing techniques
  • Circular design in industry
  • Client consultation and profiling
  • Low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototyping
  • Pitching and communication skills


Folio, product and pitch.


Mrs Natalle Sutton

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