The Class of 2021 at Matthew Flinders Anglican College on the Sunshine Coast is today celebrating top ATAR results, with a median score of 92.35.
As ATAR results were announced across Queensland today, Friday, 17 December, more than 50 Flinders graduates gathered at a special morning tea celebration held on campus for peers, teachers and members of the Flinders leadership team to mark the significant milestone.
Principal Stuart Meade said the Flinders Class of 2021 had achieved strong results, individually and collectively.
“Our Flinders results are even more impressive when we reflect on the covid chaos that our 2021 graduates have been through over the past two years,” Mr Meade said.
“Despite these challenges, our students have overwhelmingly remained focused and supportive of one another,” he said.
“Importantly, they have also participated in so many of the opportunities we offer at Flinders beyond academics, whether music, sporting, creative arts or service projects.”
Flinders Class of 2021 ATAR Results Snapshot:
- Median ATAR 92.35
- One Flinders student, Claudia McPherson, achieved the highest possible ATAR of 99.95 (as one of only 32 students in Queensland)
- 7 Flinders students achieved an ATAR of 99 or above
- 42.98% of students (52 students) achieved an ATAR greater than 95
- 22 students achieved straight A grades in all subjects
- 9 students achieved 100% in a subject (including 1 student who achieved 100% in 2 subjects)
- 18 students recorded 100% on their External Assessment (including 3 students who achieved 100% on the External Assessment for 2 subjects)
College Principal Commends Flinders Graduates
Principal Stuart Meade said, “As a College community, we celebrate the efforts of Flinders Year 12 graduate, Claudia McPherson.
“Claudia is one of only 32 students in Queensland this year to receive the very highest possible ATAR of 99.95. She has worked admirably and we wish her well as she attends the University of Queensland next year to study a dual degree in Engineering/Computer Science.
“It is also inspiring to have nine Flinders students achieve a remarkable 100% in a subject, including one student, Faiza Akram, who achieved 100% in two subjects.
“Our College provides a quality education and strives to give every student the opportunity to develop the character traits and skills to achieve excellence in learning and life.
“Our aim is for students to experience a fulfilled, healthy and successful life, and contribute to making the world a better place.
“I acknowledge and thank our staff team for each playing a part in supporting and challenging our students through their Flinders journey.”
Flinders Head of Senior School, Mr Gary Davis
Flinders Head of Senior School, Gary Davis said the Year 12 students of 2021 were amongst the top senior cohorts in the College’s 31-year history.
Mr Davis said many had achieved far more than they imagined possible, yet reminded the graduates that an ATAR result does not define a person.
“Rather, your ATAR result opens doors for you and gives you options as you venture beyond the school gates,” Mr Davis said.
“Now it’s up to you to explore your potential and choose your path to make a positive impact in the world.”
Cover image: Students from the Flinders Class of 2021 at the ATAR Results morning tea on 17 December, held at the Flagship Centre on the College campus.