What's Next for our Flinders Scholarship Students?

Medical doctor, lawyer, professional singer, elite swimmer, international jazz musician and pilot are just some of the exciting careers pursued by scholarship students from Matthew Flinders Anglican College on the Sunshine Coast.

Flinders Principal Stuart Meade is encouraging families to apply to the College's Scholarship Program.

Scholarship applications close this Friday, 26 February.

Mr Meade hopes student applicants will be inspired by the success stories of previous scholars.

Flinders Scholarship Student: Justin Holland, Class of 2020, College Dux

College 2020 Dux, Justin Holland is one such Flinders scholarship student who has excelled. Justin achieved the state’s highest ATAR score of 99.95. He was one of only 30 Year 12 students across Queensland to attain the score.

Also a passionate environmentalist, Justin and his twin brother, Karl won the 2020 Generation Innovation Challenge for their business, Communibee, which provides practical solutions to save the honey bee.

This year, Justin begins his Bachelor of Medical Science at the University of the Sunshine Coast as he strives to fulfil his dream to become a surgeon.

In his speech as Dux of the College at the Scholars Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, 10 February, Justin's advice to his peers was, “In everything you do, focus on personal bests rather than setting goals beyond your grasp. You don't have to be the top of your class, but always strive to be the top of your game.”

He also thanked Flinders and his family for the support, noting, “While I learnt a lot about Science and Maths at school, the life lessons I have learnt at Flinders in becoming a good citizen will be of greater importance in my future years.”

Scholarship Student: Merlynne Posner

Principal’s Scholarship recipient Merlynne Posner achieved an OP1 in 2019. She is now studying Law at the University of Queensland. Merlynne was recently part of the team to win the 2020 Cooper Grace Ward Junior Mooting competition run by the UQ Law Society and held at the Brisbane Supreme Court.

Scholarship Student: Zenjjo Searle

Zennjjo Searle also graduated in 2019 and with an OP1 was accepted into Medicine at the University of Queensland. A talented musician, he was recognised as one of the state’s brightest young minds. He was one of only 34 graduates to receive awards at the 2019 Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) Achievement Awards.

Scholarship Student: Maddy Foster

Another scholarship student to pursue Medicine was Maddy Foster in the Flinders Class of 2017. With her OP1 she was thrilled to be accepted into the first cohort of Medical Science students at the University of the Sunshine Coast. Excelling in her Science degree, Maddy was recently granted direct entry into Griffith University’s first Doctor of Medicine opportunity at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital.

Scholarship Student: Peter Tilleard

Flinders scholar Peter Tilleard in the Class of 2013 also went on to study Medicine, choosing the University of Queensland course, and is now completing his training at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital. Peter was awarded an esteemed TJ Ryan scholarship prize in 2014, one of only 10 students in the state to receive the award, and has also received a University of Queensland Excellence Scholarship and a national Australian Student Prize.

Scholarship Student: Alice Tilleard

Sister Alice Tilleard, also a Flinders scholarship student, is in her fourth year of a double degree, Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Australian National University in Canberra. She is currently working as a court guide at the High Court and tutoring a summer course on Government Decision Making at ANU. Alice is also undertaking an internship at Commonwealth Parliament House with a Senator.

Music Scholarship Students

Many Flinders music scholarship recipients have achieved great heights, such as saxophonist Jake Barden who has been hailed as one of Australia’s best young musicians. Jake has played alongside jazz greats Don Burrows and John Morisson, as well as other notable artists. In 2015, Jake realised another of his dreams when he secured his pilot’s license.

Another Flinders music scholar, Patrice Tipoki has since toured the world, performing on renowned stages such as London’s West End, and singing the national anthem at Bledisloe Cup Games as well as for other record stadium crowds.

Sports Scholarship Students

Many Flinders sports scholars compete at the elite level, including Phoebe Hines in the Class of 2017 who races competitively in Hawaii with great success, last year winning the Female Swimmer of the Year at the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation (MPSF).

Flinders scholarship graduates have also gone onto become national cycling champions, play basketball for the US on scholarship, and dance with top ballet groups, to name a few.

How to Apply

Students are invited to apply for scholarships at Flinders in Music, Academics, General Excellence, Sports and the Principal’s Scholarship, as well as the Flinders Foundation Scholarship. To learn more and see when applications are open, visit here.

The Flinders Sports Scholarship is open for applications now and close on Friday, 20 August, 2021.

Visit https://www.mfac.edu.au/enrolments/scholarships-applynow

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