Year 4 Students Use AI Solutions to Improve the Flinders Farm

What do Artificial Intelligence images and LEGO robots have to do with farming? Ask our Year 4 students who are bringing their farm-inspired prototypes to life!

Our Flinders Primary School students in Year 4 worked tirelessly at the end of Term 1 to finalise the finishing touches to their prototypes to improve green spaces on our Flinders Farm and support Farmer Jeff and the Maintenance team.

It was all part of their i-Impact curriculum learning, which challenged the students to create designs using their biological and earth science knowledge in identification of consumers, producers and decomposers in different ecosystems and the key processes of the water cycle.

Students turned their attention to the Flinders Farm and empathised with Farmer Jeff and Maintenance staff member, Nick, who were both busy keeping the green spaces managed in the hot, wet summer weather.

Final designs included intricate LEGO robots with automated coding activated by movement and voice sensors. Additional structures and features value-added to their prototype and lastly, our students used NewArc AI to upload sketches and detailed descriptions into an image generator to bring their designs to life. Keeping Erol fit was a very popular problem to solve!

The Maintenance team was invited to the Primary campus to critique the finished product, and shared valuable feedback on how proud they were of the designs. Our Year 4s were also proud to share their designs with their Years 5 and 6 peers.

Great job, Year 4s!

Over the past five years, Matthew Flinders Anglican College has revitalised the Flinders Farm, a half-hectare farm property on campus, to be a vibrant, hands-on environmental education hub for its more than 1,400 students from Prep to Year 12 and the Flinders Early Learning Centre.

Under the expert guidance of Farmer Jeff MacLenan, the Farm supports curriculum programs and extra-curricular opportunities.

The aim of the Flinders Farm Program is to educate, inspire and equip students to be ecologically literate and to play a direct role in imagining and creating a better future for the Farm.

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